

 Scholarship Schemes

Following are the Different Schemes which can be clamied by the Student of Malwa Polytechnic College, Faridkot


Sr. No. Scholarship Schemes Awarding Contact No.
1 Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minority Students Welfare Deptt., SCO: 128-129,sec- 34A, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh 0172-270045
2 Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/OBC Director, Dept. of technical Education & Ind. Training, Punjab (Technical education wing) Sec 36A, Plot-1A, Chandigarh 0172-2605454
3 Scheme of Award of 30 Full Fee Concession PSBTE &IT, Plot: 1A, Sec-36A, Chd




4 Scheme of Award of 90 Scholarship @ Rs. 1000/-PM PSBTE & IT, Plot: 1A, Sec-36A, Chd




5 Scheme of Award of Book Grant PSBTE & IT, Plot: 1A, Sec-36A, Chd 01639-240077
6 Fee Waiver Scheme PSBTE & IT, Plot: 1A, Sec-36A, Chd 01639-240077
7 Scholarship Sceme for Handicapped Students Director Social Security and Women & Child Devolpment Punjab NA
8 Sikh Human Devolpment Foundation Scholarship Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, New Delhi 2833-3377/4477/5577/6677
9 Punjab State Board Top 20 Merit Position Scholarship Malwa Polytechnic Collge, Faridkot 01639-240077
10 Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for other state Minority Students Ministry of Minority affairs, Govt. of India 011-24364282
11 Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for other state BC/EBC Students Govt. of Bihar, BC/EBC welfare Dept. 0612-2215037
12 Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for other state SC/ST Students SC/ST welfare Deptt., Govt. of Bihar 0612-2217526
13 Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for other state SC/ST/BC Students Jharkhand welfare Deptt., Govt. of Bihar

